Maiden Fire Station Number 10

March 25, 2025
Maiden Fire Station Number 10
Client: Maiden, NC Fire Station 10
Location: 719 E. Main Street, Maiden, NC 28650

We always appreciate working on projects that support our community. So when the firefighters of Maiden, NC needed a new home for Fire Station 10, our team at Liles Construction dove right in!

The project involves 19,432 square feet of new construction for the fire department. Constructed of masonry, structural steel, and metal stud framing, the beautiful new building will also include a 599 square foot mezzanine.

Now for the fun part, the new fire station also includes an 8,000 square foot deep drive-through apparatus bay, as well as multiple offices, bunk rooms, a kitchen and dining space, a workout room, plus assembly rooms for personnel.

Liles is thrilled to be a part of this special project for our men and women in uniform. 





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